2023 Environmental Scorecard for the Oregon Legislature

Looking to the future

Look Ahead: 2024 is a Critical Election Year! Sign up!

With climate impacts like extreme weather and wildfires increasing, it is imperative that we continue to take bold climate action every year. We’re already preparing for the next legislative session in 2024, and looking to the next full session in 2025 when Oregon will have to come up with its next Transportation Package. We’re also gearing up for a consequential election year that will determine who leads our country and whether Oregon will have the climate champions our state needs.

Will you join us in helping ensure we elect more climate champions all the way up and down the ballot?

We cannot afford to lose momentum and must continue taking major steps to hit our climate goals and to avoid the worst-case scenario of unmitigated climate change. All of the progress we’ve made and will make hinges on having a functioning democracy. That’s why we need your support to hold Republicans accountable for their walkouts and to work to put an end to future walkouts.

While our opposition may have more money than us, we have real people power supporting a just equitable transition to clean energy and supporting the protection of Oregon’s special places and the wildlife that inhabit those places. Will you help us continue to grow our people-powered movement? Sign up at www.olcv.org to join our people powered movement to protect our climate and environment and to get climate champions elected in 2024. Our future depends on it.


About OLCV

The Oregon League of Conservation Voters is a non-partisan organization with a simple mission: to pass laws that protect Oregon's environmental legacy, elect pro-environment candidates to office, and hold all of our elected officials accountable.

For more information about OLCV, visit our website at olcv.org.

About the Scorecard

For more than 40 years, OLCV has protected Oregon's natural legacy. An essential part of our work is holding our elected officials accountable. The OLCV Environmental Scorecard is not only one of our most important accountability tools, but also a tradition. The first scorecard was published in 1973.

By sharing how each member of the Legislature voted on the most critical conservation bills, we help Oregonians understand whether legislators listened to their constituents, or if they listened to special interest groups instead. It also serves as a summary of environmental bills and includes special recognition of the legislative champions.