Offshore Wind Road Map
Floating offshore wind on the Oregon coast has the potential to add 3 gigawatts of clean energy into our regional grid (enough to power at least one million homes). The bill authorizes the state to develop a “Roadmap” process for offshore wind in Oregon, which will engage stakeholders more deeply to ensure an inclusive, robust, and transparent process in developing this renewable resource. The bill also mandates fair labor standards for the construction and manufacturing of component parts.
Yes is the pro-environment vote.
Status: Passed
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |
House Votes
Representative | Vote |
Andersen, Tom |  |
Boice, Court |  |
Boshart Davis, Shelly |  |
Bowman, Ben |  |
Breese-Iverson, Vikki |  |
Bynum, Janelle |  |
Cate, Jami |  |
Chaichi, Farrah |  |
Conrad, Charley |  |
Cramer, Tracy |  |
Dexter, Maxine |  |
Diehl, Ed |  |
Elmer, Lucetta |  |
Evans, Paul |  |
Fahey, Julie |  |
Gamba, Mark |  |
Gomberg, David |  |
Goodwin, Christine |  |
Grayber, Dacia |  |
Hartman, Annessa |  |
Helfrich, Jeff |  |
Helm, Ken |  |
Hieb, James |  |
Holvey, Paul |  |
Hudson, Zach |  |
Javadi, Cyrus |  |
Kropf, Jason |  |
Levy, Bobby |  |
Levy, Emerson |  |
Lewis, Rick |  |
Lively, John |  |
Mannix, Kevin |  |
Marsh, Pam |  |
McIntire, Emily |  |
McLain, Susan |  |
Nathanson, Nancy |  |
Nelson, Travis |  |
Neron, Courtney |  |
Nguyen, Daniel |  |
Nguyen, Hoa |  |
Nosse, Rob |  |
Osborne, Virgil |  |
Owens, Mark |  |
Pham, Hai |  |
Pham, Khanh |  |
Rayfield, Dan |  |
Reschke, Werner |  |
Reynolds, Lisa |  |
Ruiz, Ricki |  |
Sanchez, Tawna |  |
Scharf, Anna |  |
Smith, Greg |  |
Sosa, Nathan |  |
Stout, Brian |  |
Tran, Thuy |  |
Valderrama, Andrea |  |
Wallan, Kim |  |
Walters, Jules |  |
Wright, Boomer |  |
Yunker, Dwayne |  |
Senate Votes
Senator | Vote |
Anderson, Dick |  |
Bonham, Daniel |  |
Boquist, Brian |  |
Campos, Wlnsvey |  |
Dembrow, Michael |  |
Findley, Lynn |  |
Frederick, Lew |  |
Gelser Blouin, Sara |  |
Girod, Fred |  |
Golden, Jeff |  |
Gorsek, Chris |  |
Hansell, Bill |  |
Hayden Jr., Cedric |  |
Jama, Kayse |  |
Knopp, Tim |  |
Lieber, Kate |  |
Linthicum, Dennis |  |
Manning Jr., James |  |
Meek, Mark |  |
Patterson, Deb |  |
Prozanski, Floyd |  |
Robinson, Art |  |
Smith, David Brock |  |
Sollman, Janeen |  |
Steiner, Elizabeth |  |
Taylor, Kathleen |  |
Thatcher, Kim |  |
Wagner, Rob |  |
Weber, Suzanne |  |
Woods, Aaron |  |
 | pro-environment vote |  | anti-environment vote |  | absent or excused |